Thesis Awards
Subsequently we list thesis awards received by students from our institute.
The C. Moser Award for outstanding Ph.D. or M.Sc. theses within our institute was established in 2002 on the occasion of the institute's 100th birthday in remembrance of its founder, Prof. Christian Moser.
Faculty Awards are awarded each year by the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Bern, for the best M.Sc. thesis and the best Ph.D. thesis in Mathematics, Statistics or Computer Science.
Bochen Jin (2024): C.-Moser-Preis for her M.Sc. thesis
"Random Walks in Spaces of Growing Dimension"
Cédric Travelletti (2023): C.-Moser Award forr his Ph.D. thesis
"Efficient Gaussian process updating under linear operator data for uncertainty reduction on implicit sets in Bayesian inverse problems"
Alexander Henzi (2023): Faculty Award for his Ph.D. thesis
"Isotonic Distributional Regression"
Philipp A. Stange (2022): C.-Moser Award for his M.Sc. thesis
"Consistency of some Gaussian Process Based Sequential Experimental Design Strategies in the Vector-Valued Case"
Sebastian Arnold (2021): C. Moser Award for his M.Sc. thesis
"Isotonic Distributional Approximation"
Alexandre Mösching (2021): C. Moser Award for his Ph.D. thesis
"Distributional Regression under Shape and Order Constraints"
Lea Friedli (2019): C. Moser Award for her M.Sc. thesis
"Area-Covering Postprocessing of Ensemble Precipitation Forecasts using Topographical and Seasonal Conditions"
Nadine Seitlinger (2019): C. Moser Award for her M.Sc. thesis
"Monte Carlo Estimators to Sensitivities of Tail Probabilities of Random Sums"
Alexander Henzi (2019): Faculty Award for his M.Sc. thesis
"Isotonic Distributional Regression (IDR): A Powerful Nonparametric Calibration Technique"
Tobias Fissler (2017): Faculty Award for his Ph.D. thesis
"On Higher Order Elicitability and Some Limit Theorems on the Poisson and Wiener Space"
Dario Azzimonti (2016): C. Moser Award for his Ph.D. thesis "Contributions to Bayesian Set Estimation Relying on Random Field Priors"
Christof Strähl (2014): C. Moser Award for his M.Sc. thesis "Notions of Cross-Calibration for Probabilistic Forecasts"
Clément Chevalier (2013): C. Moser Award for his Ph.D. thesis "Fast Uncertainty Reduction Strategies Relying on Gaussian Process Models"
Kaspar Stucki (2013): Faculty Award for his Ph.D. thesis "Invariance Properties and Approximation Results for Point Processes"
André Moser (2011): C. Moser Award for his Ph.D. thesis "Bivariate Relative Treatment Effects With Applications to Longitudinal Designs"
Michael Schmutz (2009): Faculty Award for his Ph.D. thesis "Multivariate Symmetries of Financial Derivatives"
Michael Mayer (2008): C. Moser Award for his Ph.D. thesis "Random Diameters and Other U-Max-Statistics"
Michael Vock (2007): A. Linder Award (International Biometric Society, ROeS) for his Ph.D. thesis "'One-Sided' Statistical Inference for a Multivariate Location Parameter"
Kaspar Rufibach (2006): C. Moser Award for his Ph.D. thesis "Log-Concave Density Estimation and Bump Hunting for i.i.d. Observations"
Angelika Rohde (2006): Faculty Award for her Ph.D. thesis "New Multiscale Approaches to Nonparametric Statistical Inference"
Niklaus Steiner (2004): C. Moser Award for his M.Sc. thesis "Exakte Initialisierung von linearen Gauss'schen Zustandsraummodellen in S-PLUS"
Daniel Assoulin (2002): C. Moser Award for his Ph.D. thesis "Neue statistische Inferenzverfahren in der Formenanalyse"